16 Hours Instructor Led Live Classroom Training
Angular 4 is the next big deal. Being the successor of the overwhelmingly successful Angular.js framework it's bound to shape the future of the front-end development in a similar way. The powerful features and capabilities of Angular 2 allow you to create complex, customization,0 modern, and responsive and user-friendly web applications. A participant will learn components, bindings, dependency injections using services, pipes and custom pipes, ajax calls using reactive Extensions, Routing along with a mini project.
- Creating a Development environment and understanding of Dynamic Loading
- Components and boot-strapping your components using NgModule
- Bindings— One-Way, TwoWay, and One-Time
- Making REST Calls using Reactive Extensions
- Ahead-of-Time Compilation in Angular 4
- WebPack and Multilevel WebPack
- Getting started with Angular 4
- Creating Single Page Application
- Dependency Injection
- Filters and Pipes
- Unit Testing
- Routing
- TypeScript
- Services
40 Hour Instructor Led Virtual Classroom Training (Certification Fee Included)
Developing Microsoft® Azure Solutions (20-532) certification training program gives you mastery of Microsoft Azure enterprise-grade cloud platform. Through demos & practical applications, you’ll learn to design, develop, implement, automate, and monitor resilient and scalable cloud solutions on the Azure platform. The course will enable you to explore Microsoft Azure development environment and Azure platform features and learn development tools, techniques, and approaches used to build and deploy cloud apps.
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Design and deploy Web Apps
- Create and configure virtual machines
- Design and implement cloud services
- Design and implement a storage strategy
- Manage application and network services
This course is an essential requirement for those developers who need a strong understanding of concepts and practices related to cloud app development & deployment. Applicable careers include:
- .NET Developers
- Solution Architects/ Team Leads
- DevOps Engineers / Application Engineers / QA Engineers
This Online Classroom training is a Live instructor-led training conducted via WebEx. The training is conducted by Microsoft certified trainer with extensive work experience in the domain and training.
16 Hours Instructor Led Live Classroom Training
DevOps is best known in the field of software development, but the principle is applicable in IT Service projects and other projects as well. The DevOps Master training and certification is aimed at all professionals who want to update their knowledge with the latest development in ICT management. The DevOps Master certification is meant for anyone working within a DevOps team or in an organization that considers the transition to a DevOps way of working.
The target group includes:
- Application or Service Developers and Product
- Owners
- Agile Scrum Masters
- Project Managers
- Test Engineers
- Test Managers / IT Service Manager
- DevOps Adoption
- Planning, Requirements, and Design
- Development and Deployment
- Operation and Scaling
- End-of-Life
Certification From: EXIN
Exam Duration: 2 Hrs.
Passing Marks: 65%
No. of Questions: 50
Open Book: No
16 Hours Instructor Led Live Classroom Training
Java was designed from the group up to operate as a multi-threaded language. However, the facilities available range from the very low level, such as Threads, through Atomic types to high-level blocking queues etc. With the advent of Java 8 this has been extended to Completable Futures and Stream processing. However, all this complexity has structure to it and can be understood by stepping through the facilities available and understanding how they build on each other. In many cases, the need to explore the concurrency features in Java is driven by the need to ensure sufficient performance in applications. This course therefore also considers performance, what to consider, performance anti-patterns as well as aspects of the JVM environment that can affect performance (such as Garbage collection, IO and stream-oriented processing). It also introduces the Actor model for concurrency.
Experience and understanding of the Core Java language and the newer Java8 features (e.g. functions and method references)
- Garbage Collection in Java
- Threads
- Synchronizing Data Access
- Synchronizing Execution
- Modern Java Concurrency
- Completable Futures
- Lock-Free Concurrency
- Performance Concepts
- Measuring Performance
- Performance Anti-Patterns
- I/O and NIO 2.0
- Streams
- Introducing Actors
16 Hours Instructor Led Live Classroom Training
- The participants will gain a thorough understanding of the Spring framework and its various modules such as Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, and Spring ORM.
- Participants will learn how to use Spring to simplify application configuration, manage the bean life cycle, and apply aspect-oriented programming.
- Participants will also learn how to integrate Spring with Hibernate for data persistence and how to use Spring MVC for building web applications.
- By the end of the course, they will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to build robust, scalable, and maintainable applications using the Spring framework.
Introduction to Spring
- The Spring application context
- XML configuration
- Working with existing singletons and factories
- Working with multiple configuration files
Understanding the Bean Life Cycle
- XML namespaces
- Initialization, use, and destruction phases
- Bean Post ProcessorExternalizing constant values into properties files
- Bean scopes
Simplifying Application Configuration
- Bean definition inheritance
- Inner beans
- p and util namespaces
- Dependency injection of collections
- Spring Expression Language (SpEL)
Annotation-Based Dependency Injection
- Autowiring and component scanning
- Stereotype annotations
- Java-based configuration
- Mixing configuration styles
- When to use XML, annotations, and Java configuration
Aspect-Oriented Programming
- What problems does AOP solve?
- Differences between Spring AOP and AspectJ
- Defining pointcut expressions
- How to use the types of advice: around, before, after
Integrating Spring with Hibernate
- Quick introduction to ORM with Hibernate
- Benefits of using Spring with Hibernate
- Hibernate configuration in Spring
- Exception handling
Spring in a Web Application
- Introduction to Spring MVC
- Defining Spring MVC controllers using annotations
- Spring MVC in the view layer
- MVC namespace
16 Hours Instructor Led Live Classroom Training
- The participants will gain knowledge and skills related to Spring framework, Spring Boot, and its different components.
- They will learn about XML configuration, @Component, and Java-based configuration (@Configuration) for dependency injection. The course will cover how to integrate and customize different types of configurations, including YAML and .properties.
- The participants will learn about Spring Boot's database support, including data-JPA, CrudRepository/JpaRepository, and defining queries.
- They will also learn about Spring Boot's web/REST capabilities, including deploying to an external server and using embedded servers like Tomcat.
- Additionally, the course covers Spring Security and its simple security configurations.
- The participants will also gain knowledge about Apache Kafka architecture, event-driven programming, and integrating Spring Boot with Apache Kafka.
- Finally, the course will cover Spring Batch Configuration, executing tasks, and finishing jobs.
Spring Configuration Overview
- Spring Review - XML and @Component
- Dependency Injection
- Java-based Configuration (@Configuration)
- Integrating Configuration of Different Types
Introduction to Spring Boot
- Brief maven Overview
- Intro to Spring Boot - What is Spring Boot and What It Does
- Spring Boot Hello World / SpringApplication
Configuration and Customization
- Working with Properties - YAML and .properties
- Logging and its Configuration
- Auto-configuration Overview
Spring Boot Database Support
- Basic Auto-configuration - Datasource and Pooling
- Configuration Properties
- Spring Boot's JPA Support - spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
- Spring Boot Data (with Data-JPA in Detail)
- Using Spring Boot Data - CrudRepository/JpaRepository
- Defining Queries with Spring Boot Data
Spring Boot Web/REST
- DispatcherServlet Review
- Web Starters and Configuration spring-boot-starter-web
- Using Embedded Servers (Tomcat, Netty)
- Deploying to an External Server
- Actuator Overview and Capabilities
- Actuator Endpoints
- Auto-configuration/simple security
- Security with JDBC/LDAP
- Spring Boot Integration with Spring Batch
- Spring Batch Configuration & Start job, Execute task, Finish job
Spring Boot Integration with Apache Kafka
- Even-driven programming
- Apache Kafka Architecture
- Spring Boot with Apache Kafka
REST API Development Using Spring Boot
24 Hours Instructor Led Live Classroom Training
- Participants in this course will gain knowledge in the design and implementation of RESTful APIs using Spring Boot.
- They will learn about the concepts of REST, HTTP methods, URI design, and HATEOAS.
- The course covers the use of Spring Boot to initialize and create RESTful services, and how to enhance and customize them using features such as exception handling, content negotiation, versioning, and filtering.
- Additionally, participants will learn how to connect their RESTful services with databases using ORM tools such as Hibernate/JPA.
- The course also covers the use of Swagger for API documentation and monitoring, and Spring Boot Actuator for monitoring and management of RESTful services.
REST API Design - Concepts
- Introduction to REST
- Designing Resource URI's
- RESTful URI types
- HTTP Methods
- Idempotence in HTTP Methods
- Rest Resource
- The Richardson Maturity Model
- Jax-RS vs Spring MVC Rest
Spring Boot RESTful Introduction
- Spring Restful Overview
- Initializing a RESTful Services Project with Spring Boot
- Creating a Hello World Service
- Enhancing the Hello World Service to return a Bean
Restful Web Services with Spring Boot
- Enhancing the Hello World Service with a Path Variable
- Creating User Bean and User Service
- Implementing GET Methods for User Resource
- Implementing POST Method to create User Resource
- Enhancing POST Method to return correct HTTP Status Code and Location
- Implementing DELETE Method to delete a User Resource
Restful Web Services with Exception Handling, Internationalization & Content Negotiation
- Implementing Exception Handling - 404 Resource Not Found
- Implementing Generic Exception Handling for all Resources
- Internationalization & Content Negotiation
Restful development with HATEOAS, Swagger, Filtering & Versioning
- Introduction to Swagger Documentation Format
- Enhancing Swagger Documentation with Custom Annotations
- Monitoring APIs with Spring Boot Actuator
- Implementing Static & Dynamic Filtering for RESTful Service
- Versioning RESTful Services - Basic Approach with URIs
- Versioning RESTful Services - Header and Content Negotiation Approach
Overview of Connecting RESTful Service using Spring Data
- ORM overview (Hibernate/JPA)
- Creating User Entity and some test data
- Updating GET, POST, DELETE methods on User Resource to use JPA
- Creating Post Entity and Many to One Relationship with User Entity
Microservices Development using Spring Boot
32 Hours Instructor Led Live Classroom Training
- Understanding the fundamentals of REST and its relationship with HTTP
- Designing resource URIs and using HTTP methods for CRUD operations
- Understanding idempotence in HTTP methods and how to implement it
- Understanding the Richardson Maturity Model and HATEOAS
- Developing RESTful APIs using Spring Boot and Spring MVC Rest
- Implementing exception handling, internationalization, content negotiation, and versioning in RESTful APIs
- Connecting RESTful services using Spring Data with Hibernate/JPA
- Understanding the basics of SOA, microservices, and cloud computing
- Building RESTful services with Service Registry, Webclient, and Resilience4J
- Implementing security in RESTful services with Basic Authentication and OAuth2
- Monitoring and tracking RESTful services using ELK stack and Zipkin
- Understanding Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and applying strategic and tactical patterns using Spring Boot Data
- Implementing Saga and CQRS patterns for distributed transactions and event-driven systems
- Developing reactive RESTful services with Spring WebFlux
- Containerizing RESTful API apps using Docker
- Deploying RESTful services to Kubernetes and understanding Kubernetes architecture and concepts
RESTful API Overview
- Spring RESTful API complete example
SOA and Microservices
- SOA Overview
- Microservice Overview
- Spring Boot and Microservices
Microservices and Cloud
- Cloud Services : IaaS, PaaS, Saas
- Cloud Native Applications
RESTful service with Service Registry
- Introduction to Naming Server
- Setting up Eureka Naming Server
- Connecting a service to Eureka
RESTful service with Webclient & Resilience4J
- Introduction to reactive programming
- RestTemplate vs Webclient
- Prevent failure cascades using Resilience4J, Circuit Breaker, Rate limiter, Retry & Bulkhead
Using “Twelve-Factor App” Style Configuration
- Understand “Twelve-Factor App” configuration
- Read external configuration & Support multiple environments using Spring profiles
- Spring Cloud Configuration Server
- Refresh configuration without restarting your application
Securing the RESTful services
- Implementing Basic Authentication with Spring Security
- Single sign-on with OAuth2
Distributed logging, Monitoring and Tracking
- Introduction to ELK stack & Zipkin
- Collecting and analyzing logs using ELK stack
- Distributed tracing using Zipkin
Domain Driven Design
- Strategic Patterns (Domain, Sub-domain, Bounded Context)
- Tactical Patterns (Entity, Value Object, Aggregate, Repositories)
- Using Spring Boot Data - CrudRepository/JpaRepository
Saga & CQRS Patterns
- How to implement distributed transactions?
- what are events and commands?
- When and how to apply?
Spring WebFlux
- Introduction to reactive programming
- RestTemplate vs Webclient
Dockerize Rest API App
- Containerization
- Setup the Dockerfile, Build the docker image
Getting Started with Kubernetes
- Creating Kubernetes Cluster
- Kubernetes Concepts - Pods, Replica Sets and Deployment
- Understanding Services in Kubernetes
- Understanding Kubernetes Architecture - Master Node and Nodes
- Build Docker Image and Push to Docker Hub for Hello World Rest API
- Deploy Spring Boot Sample Rest API to Kubernetes